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For all of us, health is one of the most important elements of life. Further information can be found on the website of the City of Leverkusen (Stadt Leverkusen), including a summary of the hospitals in Leverkusen:


Summary of the hospitals in Leverkusen

Here you will find the contact details of the Medical Service (Health Department) of the City of Leverkusen:


Stadt Leverkusen 

Medizinischer Dienst (Gesundheitsamt)

Paracelsustraße 19
51375 Leverkusen

Telephone: 0214 / 406 5301

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Medical Service offers regular health consultations for people with a migrant background (Gesundheitssprechstunde für Menschen mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte) at the Service Point Integration (pedestrian zone City in the "Luminaden" passage (upper floor), Wiesdorfer Platz).

The consultation hours are aimed at people with a migrant background who have questions or concerns about health and prevention.

No appointment is necessary.


You can find the next health consultation dates here:

Aktuelles und Veranstaltungen

Individuals in an ongoing asylum process and receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (AsylbLG) require a medical treatment certificate (Behandlungsschein) for medical treatment.


Statdt Leverkusen
Fachbereich Soziales (Division for Social Affairs)
Abteilung MigrationsangelegenheitenAusstellung von Behandlungsscheinen (Department for Immigration Matters - Issuing of medical treatment vouchers)
Miselohestraße 4
51379 Leverkusen
Phone: 0214 / 406 5001

A strong new beginning – mother-child retreats for refugee families


KAG Müttergenesung (mothers’ convalescence support service) offers mother-child retreats for mothers with children from refugee backgrounds with a secure residence status. Mothers and their children (up to 16 years of age) can recharge emotionally and physically for three weeks at Caritas-Haus Feldberg and spend time with other families.


The health insurer covers the costs. An Arabic interpreter is available at the facility and childcare services are provided.


Further information and advice are available at:

Caritasverband Leverkusen e.V.

Danuta Kolzok

Tel.: 0214/ 855 42 432

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Below are links and materials with assistance and information on matters relating to health. These may be useful for specialists in the health sector as well as immigrants and refugees.


Website of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)


Information from the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) aimed specifically at people from migration backgrounds

Information from the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)

A Guide for Refugee Parents - Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists in Germany

A Guide for Refugee Parents

New Migration and Health multilingual portal – Federal Ministry of Health (BMG):
Various information on topics such as infection control, vaccinations and children’s health is available in 41 languages.


“Health for all” guide in 15 languages

The Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) offers a brochure entitled “Health for all. A guide to the German health care system” in 14 languages for order or download on its website. It explains how the German health system works and can be navigated.


Gesundheit für alle

German Red Cross film project for immigrants – easy-to-understand health information

In the videos, important health topics for immigrants (such as pregnancy and birth, cancer screening, addiction care and mental illness) are explained in an easy-to-understand way in various languages (German, English, Kurdish (Sorani), Arabic, French and Pashto).


Supporting materials for doctors on treating patients who do not speak German
The German Federal Dental Association (BZÄK) provides an information sheet, a pictogram sheet and multilingual forms for download free of charge on its website:


Multilingual health information
The Landeszentrum Gesundheit Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW Centre for Health) provides a collection of different foreign-language materials and information on migration and health on its website:


Medical care for migrants without health insurance or valid residence status
In emergencies and in case of sudden illness, injury or pregnancy, treatment is available at selected locations. The specific locations and further information can be found at:


Referral of people without a valid residence permit or health insurance to physicians
Centres called “Medibüros” located in various places help people without a valid residence permit or health insurance to see a doctor anonymously and without charge:

Locations Medibüros

 Information on health care in Germany in different languages


Information for parents on baby and infant health in various languages


Anonymous advice for women who are pregnant and are unable or unwilling to tell anyone


Health phrase book for migrants. Multilingual information and materials for download



KBV - Dictionary - "The doctor`s choice of words"


Information on children’s health through videos 


Multilingual information on pregnancy and contraception




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