Тут список контактних пунктів та консультаційних центрів для мігрантів та біженців. Інструкцію англійською можна знайти тут.
Advice and contact points:
Central Contact Point: Service-Point Integration
The city of Leverkusen has set up the Service-Point Integration, a central advisory point for all refugees and immigrants - not just those from Ukraine. It offers initial consultation, helps with establishing contacts with other institutions and provides integrative measures. The offer is open to anyone. No appointment is necessary. The multilingual flyer pdf can be downloaded.
The opening times are:
Tuesdays from 1.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Thursdays from 1.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Fridays from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 a.m.
Pedestrian Zone in the city center
in the "Luminaden"-passage
Wiesdorfer Platz
Kommunales Integrationszentrum
Contact for individual questions, mediation for language training, advice centres, qualifications, leisure activities, etc.
Advice aimed at immigrants, people from migrant backgrounds and refugees.
Migrationsberatung für Erwachsene (MBE) (Migration Advice Service for Adult Immigrants): Access to integration courses, help with professional integration and receiving social benefits, advice on family reunification.
Advice on social services for refugees with disabilities: Advice on the disabled pass (Schwerbehindertenausweis) and applying for assistive devices and nursing care, opportunities to meet others/information events.
Advice on social services for refugees/temporary integration: Advice on asylum procedures and support for securing residence and consolidation of residence, information on social law provisions and regulations, help in obtaining social assistance, support for language, academic, professional and social integration.
Vocational guidance for adult refugees aged 27 and older: Specialist advice on career opportunities based on individual interests and qualifications, information on the qualifications needed and other requirements, support in looking for internships, training and employment.
Carl-Leverkus-Straße 13, 51373 Leverkusen
Phone: 0214 / 40394-0
Flüchtlingsrat Leverkusen e.V. (Refugee Council of Leverkusen)
Advice aimed at refugees and people engaged on a full-time or voluntary basis in the refugee field.
Advice on asylum procedures: Advice on questions in relation to asylum procedures, residence, the social situation and the possibilities of taking up employment, no-obligation repatriation advice for recognised and unrecognised refugees.
Advice on moving out for refugees: Advice on moving out of municipal refugee accommodation, support and advice throughout the process of finding accommodation to the handing over of keys, help with understanding letters and correspondence from landlords.
Kolberger Straße 95 a, 51381 Leverkusen
Phone: 02171 / 84645
Katholische Jugendagentur Leverkusen Rheinberg Oberberg (Catholic youth agency)
Advice aimed at young people from migrant backgrounds aged 16 to 27.
Jugendmigrationsdienst (Youth Migration Service): Support with academic, vocational and social integration, socio-educational support for young people before, during and after integration courses, advice on possibilities of taking up work or training as well as language courses.
There is also the option to register on the online portal www.jmd4you.de and chat there with advisers from the special online team to clear up any outstanding issues.
Participation management for refugees aged 18–27 with a temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) or temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltsgestattung) (Open Youth Vocational Assistance (OJB)): Support for young refugees looking for training or employment or requiring assistance with vocational guidance, finding the right language supports, everyday matters, dealings with authorities or finding leisure activities.
Kölner Straße 139, 51379 Leverkusen
Phone: 02171 / 49955
AWO Familienseminar (AWO Family Seminar)
Advice aimed at refugees
Advice for refugees: AWO Familienseminar offers advice for refugees Mondays to Thursdays – by appointment only.
Voluntary support with forms and applications for new immigrants: From 10 to 11 am every second Monday, immigrants can come to AWO Familienseminar for support with filling out forms, sorting documents, completing applications and school enrolment for their children. By appointment only!
Berliner Platz 3, 51379 Leverkusen Opladen
Phone: 0174/ 1732470
Diakonisches Werk des Kirchenkreises Leverkusen
Advice for refugees who want to return to their home country or leave Germany to a third country.
Diakonisches Werk des Ev. Kirchenkreises Leverkusen
Pfarrer-Schmitz-Str. 9
51373 Leverkusen
Tel.: 0152/56408384
City of Leverkusen – Mädchentreff MaBuKa (MaBuKa Girls’ Club)
Aimed at refugee girls and young women.
Advice for girls and young women after their escape
Kolberger Straße 20, 51381 Leverkusen
Phone: 02171 / 53939
Helpful information on asylum procedures and submitting applications is also available in various languages at:
Verbraucherzentrale in Leverkusen (Consumer Association of Leverkusen)
Advice on consumer rights
Advice on your rights as a consumer. The advice offered ranges from information before making a purchase through to your rights in all important areas of consumer life, such as mobile phone bills, purchase agreements and complaints.
New immigrants to Leverkusen who are not yet sufficiently familiar with the contractual and legal situation in Germany can get helpful advice from the Verbraucherzentrale before taking out a contract, insurance premium, etc. This service is free of charge.
Verbraucherzentrale NRW e.V.
Beratungsstelle Leverkusen
Dönhoffstraße 27, 51373 Leverkusen
Phone: 0214/ 0214 314912
Information on current topics:
Hotline "Working and living in Germany":
Checklists for consumers in Germany: