Depending on their qualifications and residence status, newly immigrated people may be able to take up an apprenticeship, study course, training opportunity or employment in Leverkusen. Here you will find useful information and advice centres:
Work and training in Germany
There are currently a little over 300 occupations requiring formal training in Germany. The most common form of training is dual vocational training, which usually lasts between 2–3.5 years. Purely academic training, and not dual vocational training, is required for certain health, education and social professions.
Immigrants with a temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) may also be granted special leave to remain for the purpose of training (Ausbildungsduldung) under certain conditions in order to take up vocational training in Germany. For further information on the precise requirements, people resident in Leverkusen can contact the local immigration office (Ausländerbehörde):
Stadt Leverkusen (Foreigners Authority of the City of Leverkusen)
Stadt Leverkusen
Fachbereich Bürger und Integration
Abteilung Integration und Zuwanderung
Friedrich-Ebert-Platz 1, 51373 Leverkusen
Phone: 0214/ 406-3344
The following contact points can advise, help with finding work and training and provide assistance with applications and vocational guidance:
Vocational guidance and job placement services of the Federal Employment Agency
Heinrich-von-Stephan Straße 18, 51373 Leverkusen
Advice on work, training and employment. Appointments can be arranged by phone or email.
Integration Point (for immigrants and refugees)
Heinrich-von-Stephan Straße 6a, 51373 Leverkusen
Integration of refugees and new immigrants into the labour and training market, information on language, integration and training courses, applications to cover translation costs in connection with the recognition of foreign qualifications.
Vocational guidance for adult refugees aged 27 and older
Specialist advice on career opportunities, information on the qualifications needed and other requirements, support in looking for internships, training and employment.
Caritasverband Leverkusen e.V.
Fachdienst für Integration und Migration
Maximilian John
Bergische Landstraße 86, 51375 Leverkusen
Phone: 0214/ 85542-610
Berufsinformationszentrum (BiZ) Köln
Butzweilerhofallee 1, 50829 Köln
Phone: 0221/ 9429-3170
Berufsinformationszentrum (BiZ) Bergisch Gladbach
Bensberger Str. 85, 51465 Bergisch Gladbach
Phone: 02202/ 93 33-828
The vocational education centre (Berufsbildungszentrum) in Cologne and in Bergisch Gladbach can be used to look for vacancies online, create application documents and find media on many professional matters. The BiZ also offers various seminars, workshops, job fairs and other interesting events on the topic of work and training.
Advice on operational integration of refugees – IHK Stiftung Köln (foundation of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Cologne)
IHK Stiftung Köln offers advice and support on entering into a training relationship to its member companies and refugees with a B1 or higher level of German:
Companies can contact advisers at IHK Stiftung with questions in relation to funding options during the training relationship, legal conditions with regard to employing refugees and other queries. Refugees who would like to take up an IHK apprenticeship can also have their application reviewed and find out about current vacancies in companies.
Diakonisches Werk des ev. Kirchenkreises Leverkusen (social welfare organisation of the Protestant churches in Leverkusen) in cooperation with Arbeitslosenzentrum & mehr (unemployment centre)
Now-threshold information for the unemployed
Moskauer Str. 3, 51373 Leverkusen
Phone: 0163 - 7 37 02 15
For the unemployed, people threatened by unemployment, people in precarious employment and social welfare recipients. Information on questions regarding ALG II, ALG I and social welfare assistance and support with applications and (language) courses for immigrants.
Diakonisches Werk des ev. Kirchenkreises Leverkusen (social welfare organisation of the Protestant churches in Leverkusen)
Unemployment counselling
Moskauer Str. 3, 51373 Leverkusen
Phone: 0163 - 7 37 02 15
For the unemployed, people threatened by unemployment, people in precarious employment and social welfare recipients. Advice for the unemployed, support and advice on finding a job and during the application process, and answers to questions concerning subsistence support.
Special offerings for young adults aged up to 27 years
Independent counselling from the Offene Jugendberufshilfe (Open Youth Vocational Assistance, OJB)
(For young people and young adults aged 15–27)
Kölner Straße 139, 51379 Leverkusen
Phone: 02171/ 49 955
Support with academic, vocational and social integration, advice on taking up training and work, information on language courses. An overview of the OJB’s activities can be downloaded free of charge. There you will find vocational and academic offerings for young people and young adults transitioning from school to work:
JMD4you – the online advice portal for young immigrants
Young people and young adults from migrant or refugee backgrounds can get answers to their questions on language and integration courses, training and work, and social issues in person from the Youth Migration Service.
In addition to visiting the advice centre, there is also the option to register on the online portal and chat there with advisers from the special online team to clear up any outstanding issues.
Further information and links on the self-led learning and teaching of German is also available in the “Practice German” section of the portal.
Participation management for refugees aged 18–27 with a temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) or temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltsgestattung)
The Katholische Jugendagentur Leverkusen (Catholic youth agency) has joined with the Kommunales Integrationszentrum (municipal integration centre) to set up a participation management service in Leverkusen. The participation management service supports young refugees looking for training or employment or requiring assistance with vocational guidance, finding the right language supports, everyday matters, dealings with authorities or finding leisure activities. Further information can be found in the flyer.
Offene Jugendberufshilfe (OJB)
Marina Hinsen
Kölnerstr. 139
51379 Leverkusen
Phone: 02171/49955
Special offerings for women
Stadt Leverkusen – Gleichstellungsbüro (equality representation office of the City of Leverkusen)
(For women living in Leverkusen, advice on returning to the workforce)
Manforter Straße 184, 51373 Leverkusen
Phone: 0214/ 406-8301
Netzwerk W(iedereinstieg) Leverkusen (return to work network)
New guide for people advising refugee women.
Brochure covering labour market integration supports for refugee women.
Netzwerk W – refugee women in Leverkusen
Netzwerk W – refugee women in Cologne
Further information on Netzwerk W(iedereinstieg) (for Leverkusen):
City of Leverkusen, Gleichstellungsbüro
Frau Antje Winterscheidt
Phone: 0214/ 406 - 8304
Study options for new immigrants
In addition to conventional university courses, people in Germany can also study at private and public technical colleges and distance learning institutions or take up dual studies. The admission requirements differ according to the course and university.
Almost every German university has an International Office that handles questions from foreign students and immigrants wishing to study there. The International Offices at the respective universities are listed here:
FUrther Information and Downloads
Videoclip Reihe Berufsvorstellung des Bayerischen Rundfunks
"Fachstelle überaus" - Alles zum Thema Übergang Schule/ Beruf
Kurzübersicht Migrationspaket - Wichtige Informationen für Unternehmen und Arbeitgeber*innen