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The proportion of the migrant population in the over-65 age category is increasing in a similar way to the non-immigrant population in this age group. Back on 31/12/2018, there were already 3,000 foreigners aged over 65 living in Leverkusen. The guide for senior citizens (Senior*innenwegweiser) issued by the City of Leverkusen (Stadt Leverkusen) provides an overview of general, outpatient and inpatient services for the elderly.


Guide for senior citizens in Leverkusen (PDF)

General services

We list below countless meeting and social centres run by independent agencies for older people. Apart from offering social interaction, they also provide a wide range of advisory services on matters of relevance to the elderly:



House for the Elderly


Rathenaustraße 63, 51373 Leverkusen

Phone: 0214 / 3106721

AWO-Begegnungsstätte u. Beratungsstelle für Senioren und ihre Angehörigen (Meeting and Counselling Centre for Senior Citzens and their Relatives)

(AWO Kreisverband Leverkusen)


Königsberger Platz 28, 51371 Leverkusen

Phone: 0214 / 23153 und 8202597

Seniorenbegegnungsstätte (Senior Citizens' Meeting Centre) „Am Aquila-Park“

(Evangelische Altenheime des Diakonischen Werkes gGmbH)


Robert-Blum-Straße 15, 51373 Leverkusen

Phone: 0214 / 69294

ATS Begegnungsstätte im Wohnpark Bürgerbusch (Meeting Centre at Bürgerbusch Residential Park)

(Caritasverband Leverkusen e.V.)


Theodor-Gierath-Straße 4, 51381 Leverkusen

Phone: 0214 / 85542444

Altes Bürgermeisteramt e.V. Begegnungszentrum der Schlebuscher Bürgerinnen und Bürger (Meeting Centre for the Citizens of Schlebusch)


Bergische Landstraße 28, 51375 Leverkusen

Phone: 0214 / 503686

GBO-Begegnungsstätte Bruno-Wiefel-Haus (GBO-Meeting Centre)


Kölner Straße 100, 51379 Leverkusen

Phone: 02171 / 404030

Begegnungsstätte für Alt und Jung (Meeting Place for old and young) DRK – OV Bergisch Neukirchen


Burscheider Straße 178, 51381 Leverkusen

Phone: 02171 / 30569

Quartierszentrum Upladin (Neighbourhood Centre Upladin)


Opladener Platz 2, 51379 Leverkusen

Phone: 02171 / 408-0

DRK Seniorentreff Hitdorf im DRK-Katastrophenschutzzentrum (Senior Citizens' Meeting Center Hitdorf)


Hitdorfer Str. 61, 51371 Leverkusen

Phone: 02173 / 690148

Meeting every first and third Thursday from 4 to 6 pm

Seniorenclub im DRK-Ortsverein Opladen (Senior Citizens' Club at the DRK-local association Opladen)


Fürstenbergstraße 16–18, 51379 Leverkusen

Phone: 02171 / 397839

Every last Thursday at 3 pm at the DRK-building

Nachbarschaftscafé Mathilde (Mathilde Neighbourhood Café)

Caritasverband Leverkusen e.V.


Spandauer Straße 20, 51377 Leverkusen

Phone: 02171 / 9460380

Meeting every Monday from 9:30 to 10:30 am at Mathiastreff

Here are the contact details of welfare organisations that offer extensive services for older people and provide opportunities for volunteering:


Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband Leverkusen e.V.


Phone: 0214 / 2606-0


Caritasverband Leverkusen e.V.


Phone: 0214 / 85542-0


Deutsches Rotes Kreuz – Kreisverband Leverkusen e.V.


Phone: 02171 / 4006-0


Der PARITÄTISCHE – Kreisgruppe Leverkusen


Phone: 02171 / 949495


Diakonisches Werk Leverkusen


Phone: 0214 / 382-70


Assisted living is a type of housing with services that enable older people to live an individual and independent life while having access to the support they need where necessary:


Wohnpark Alt-Schlebusch – Caritasverband Leverkusen e.V.


Phone: 0214 / 85542-541


Wohnpark Bürgerbusch – Caritasverband Leverkusen e.V.


Phone: 0214 / 85542-541


K-plus Seniorenwohnungen


Phone: 0214 / 89290-130


CBT Wohnhaus Upladin


Phone: 02171 / 408-0


Arbeiterwohlfahrt – Kreisverband Leverkusen e.V.


Phone: 0214 / 2606257


Outpatient and inpatient services

Help and care at home or in an institution


Older people who wish to stay in their own homes need appropriate support services. Good information and advice from the relevant contact points in the city is needed to arrange medical alarms, meal services, home help, taxi services and, not least, outpatient care in one’s own home. Outpatient care services and social centres offer comprehensive and professional home-based geriatric and nursing care. The alternatives are day care, short-term care and full-time inpatient care. The respective forms of care can provide tangible respite from caring roles for family members, right up to full-time care when it is no longer possible to care for the elderly person in their own home.


The City of Leverkusen (Stadt Leverkusen) offers services and information for senior citizens in particular in various departments:


Fachbereich Soziales (Department of Social Affairs)
Independent advice on care and living options


Phone: 0214 / 406-5058

Phone: 0214 / 406-5068

Phone: 0214 / 406-5423

Phone: 0214 / 406-5413

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Appointments by arrangement, home visits also if required

Fachbereich Soziales (Department of Social Affairs)
Counselling Centre for Disabled People


Phone: 0214 / 406-5064

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fachbereich Soziales (Department of Social Affairs)
Disability Law


Phone: 0214 / 406-5032

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fachbereich Soziales (Department of Social Affairs)
WTG-Behörde (Heimaufsicht) (WTG-Authority Home Supervision)


Phone: 0214 / 406-5007

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Further advice on care is available here:


AWO Begegnungsstätte und Beratungsstelle für Senioren und ihre Angehörigen (meeting place and advice centre for senior citizens and their families)

(ArbeiterwohlfahrtKreisverband Leverkusen e.V. (Worker’s Welfare Association of Leverkusen))


Phone: 0214 / 8202597

Ambulante Dienste Caritasverband Leverkusen e.V. (outpatient services)

Outpatient care


Phone: 0214 / 85542-440

Financial assistance
People are in need of care if they have had a considerable need for everyday assistance for at least six months. Nursing care insurance through the statutory health insurance system takes effect here, with corresponding benefits adapted according to the assistance needs. However, old-age basic income support and housing benefit are also available if living costs cannot be covered by one’s own income. The Department of Social Affairs (Fachbereich Soziales) of the City of Leverkusen (Stadt Leverkusen) can be contacted with regard to this.


Stadt Leverkusen – Soziale Leistungen

Fax: 0214 / 406-5008

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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